Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tweener Ministries Creativity Competitions

This is actually three different competitions (writing, cover art and music) for high school teens. Winning authors are published, paid royalty fees and given college scholarships. There is also a cover art competition for the winning book(s) and a song writing competition. Winners from these competitions also receive college scholarships. Their goal is to raise up the next generation of Christian authors, artists and songwriters. http://www.tweenertimecompetitions.org/.

I would like to purchase several of the "winning" books for our Co-op library. It might inspire some of our children.

Science Co-Op Class

This year I am teaching Apologia General Science with our local Co-op group. I am in the process of learning how to incorporate my classes online. The goal is to have a functional website for each class that contains lectures, extra class information as well as quizzes and test capabilities. It is definitely a work in progress, but I'm excited to try it out. http://www.virtualhomeschoolgroup.com/

2009-2010 School Year Curriculum Plans

6th Grade:
Bible: Classical Academic Press - God's Great Covenant OT 2
Bible Devotion/Challenge: Ten Boys Who Used Their Talents; Scripture Sleuth
Grammar: Winston Grammar
Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots Grade 6
Writing: Pentime Cursive 6; Institute for Excellence All Things Fun and Fascinating
Reading: BJU Reading 6/ Barton Reading and Spelling
Spelling: Christian Liberty Press Building Spelling Skills Book 6
History/Geography: TOG, Redesigned, Year 3: The 1800's
Science: Apologia General Science, Part I (year 1 of 2)
Math: Rod and Staff Math Grade 6 -or- Chalkdust Basic Math
Math Extra: Hands On Equations
Languages: Lively Latin I; Easy French
Logic: Building Thinking Skills; Various logic workbooks
Computer: Typing Tutor, Computer Basics
Other: Unit Study - Chronicles of Narnia
Art: Complete-A-Sketch; Various Art Books
Music: Piano/Violin lessons

10th Grade:
Bible/Apologetics: Thinking Like a Christian; Countering Culture
Bible Study/Challenge: A Dangerous Faith; Do Hard Things
Literature: IEW American Literature
Grammar: Jensen's Grammar; The Chortling Bard
Vocabulary: Vocabulary From Classical Roots D; PSAT Prep
History: Notgrass American History
Science: Honor's Chemistry (SAT II subject test, spring 2010)
Math: Chalkdust Algebra II/Trig.
Language: BJU French I
Logic: Classical Legacy Press Logic I
Electives: Political Science- 1 Sem.; Finance- 1 Sem. (Co-Op)
Music: Electric Bass Lessons

Just getting started...

I'm starting this blog as a place to keep all of my favorite homeschool lists, websites, resources and other tidbits in one place.