I'm excited about these classes because they will fit in well with our history lessons. (
Tapestry of Grace, Year 3: The 19th Century)
Home School Happenings 2009-2010Burritt on the Mountain educators are excited to offer a new year of Home School Happenings. Each month, they offer an enrichment lesson that focuses on science, history, art, or a combination of the three. Each lesson includes an oral presentation, a hands-on learning experience and a handout that includes information and follow-up activities about the month’s topic.
Classes will be offered from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. three times each month: the second Tuesday, the second Wednesday and the third Wednesday. The classes on the second Tuesday and Wednesday are geared for students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. We suggest that lower elementary students attend on the second Tuesday and upper elementary and middle school students attend on the second Wednesday. (Exceptions to this age distribution may be made so that siblings may attend together.) The third Wednesday classes are reserved for high school students and adults.
MONTHLY TOPICSSeptember – Mining on the Mountain will fascinate students as we learn about mining (past and present), hike to an abandoned coal mine, and have fun at our sluice panning for rocks and minerals. Students will learn about the use of our natural resources and how those resources impact our lives.
October – When Cotton was King the south and its economy were shaped by the production of cotton and its sale. Students will learn about cotton and how it influenced the south of the past and present. How does cotton grow? How is it harvested and used? How do we use it today?
November – Technology of the 1800s was often very different from today’s technology. What technology was available for making furniture? Getting to town? Growing and preparing food? Come and see the differences between today’s technology and the technology of the past.
December – Decorations of the Past: Tin and Paper Punch are always popular crafts at the holiday season. Learn about tinsmithing, other metal arts, and the decorations of the past. Make an ornament of your very own.
January – School Days of the 1800s had some similarities with school days of the present, but there are many differences. Learn about the daily lives of children in the 1800s, experience writing with a quill and ink, doing sums on a slate, and helping the teacher prepare the school house for lessons every day.
February – The Underground Railroad had no tracks or train cars, but it moved thousands of slaves from the south to the north. Learn about who traveled on the Underground Railroad and where they went. Experience following the clues from one “safe” house to the next.
March – Food Preparation and Preservation of the Past was a challenge that our ancestors met with gusto. Find out how food was preserved. How do you smoke a ham? What did you use to refrigerate your food? You may even get a taste of some homemade cooking!
April – Amazing Animals: Domesticated and Wild Animals have many similarities and differences. Tour our barnyard to meet our domesticated farm animals. Why did farmers raise goats? Sheep? Learn about urban wildlife and how animals have adapted to their surroundings.
May – Archeology Adventure lets students not only view our collection of Native American artifacts, but also experience a simulated dig first hand.