Earlier this spring, I read the book Square Foot Gardening, by Mel Bartholomew. I am intrigued with this concept and plan to start a small gardening project this fall. However, I'm a terrible gardener and I've killed almost everything I've ever tried to grow. But, after reading this book and browsing the website, I have been inspired to try again. I really want to learn and be successful at gardening. I'll try to post an update on this project once I get it started. FYI... this book is available for free on google books.
In addition to growing fruits and vegetables, I'm really interested in growing and using herbs. Currently, one of my favorite sites for herb supplies and information is the Bulk Herb Store. I would love to learn how to make my own herbal first aid kit. It would be nice to have several all natural remedies ready to use for those pesky mosquito bites, bee stings and poison ivy rashes.
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