I definitely read my share of news, current events, text books, reference books, historical novels, etc. on a daily basis for self edification and for homeschooling. However, when I have free time, I relish reading fiction. It is a complete escape and is almost always better than a movie. So, what am I reading? Well, I just finished
Deep Blue, by Tom
Morrisey. It is the first book that I have read by him, and it was pretty good. It was like a Clive
Cussler book for the Christian market.
There is a book that I am eagerly anticipating...
Green, by Ted
Dekker. The release date is September 1, 2009 and I can't wait!
The Circle Trilogy is one of my all-time favorites.
Click on the book to read the first chapter:

Click on the picture to see a video clip:
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