This week my 5th and 6th graders are finishing up module 2 in Apologia General Science. They also created an experiment following the scientific method. They combined yeast and warm water in a bottle and then added one of three different variables: coke, orange juice and lemonade. They placed balloons on top of the bottles to measure the reactions. Then we charted the results.
My 7th and 8th graders are working on module 4 in Apologia General Science. We fell behind last week with the experiments, so we performed those this week in order to catch up. They included:
- Experiment 3.2: Which "Boat" Will Move?
- Experiment 3.3: What Does Soap Do To Water? - Part 1
- Experiment 3.4: What Does Soap Do To Water? - Part 2
I forgot to bring my camera this week, so unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the experiments.
Next week we have a break from Co-op (half way point in our fall term). The kids still have assignments to work on and will stay connected with our online classroom (virtualhomeschoolgroup.com).