Week Three: The focus this week is on the Early Industrial Revolution.
Key Facts:
1. Industrial Revolution
a. Started in Europe/Great Britain
b. Machines and Factories
c. Inventions
2. History of the Telegraph
a. William Sturgeon/Electromagnet
b. Joseph Henry & Charles Wheatstone
c. Samuel Morse/Morse Code
3. Eli Whitney
a. The Cotton Gin
b. Eli Whitney Armory/Production of Muskets
c. Machine Tool Industry/Interchangeable Parts
4. Robert Fulton
a. The Steam Engine
b. Steam Warship
c. Commissioned by Napoleon/Designed Submarine (Nautilus)
5. Francis Cabot Lowell
a. The American Textile Industry
b. Power Loom
c. Active Lobbyist/Protective Tariff
Activities: Make a Battery, Make a Cardboard Loom
Unit Projects: Add information on Eli Whitney, Robert Fulton and Francis Cabot Lowell to the display board.
Geography: Labeled map of the British Isles
Digging Deeper:
- Napoleon Code
- Immanuel Kent
- Industrial Revolution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO3AW0JAHmU&feature=PlayList&p=FCFEC9A4EA49374D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=4
- The Industrial Revolution - The Golden Age of Steam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0ANJEpj79o&feature=related
- Industrial Revolution in pictures: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb4ut4xLEJA&feature=related
- A Head Full of Notions
- Swiss Family Robinson
- The Year of the Horseless Carriage: 1801 (Read Aloud)
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